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  • グローバル市場での競争力強化へ向けた日本企業のコーポレート・トランスフォーメーション












英訳はこちら(English translation is here.)

Corporate Transformation of Japanese Companies to Strengthen Competitiveness in the Global Marketplace

In recent years, the global market environment has been rapidly changing, and this has had a significant impact on the management of Japanese companies. In particular, developing country markets are growing remarkably, and Japanese companies' overseas businesses continue to expand. Over the past two decades, the overseas sales ratio of Japan's major manufacturing industries has increased from 30% to more than 50%, and direct investment earnings have increased 16-fold. In order to respond to these changes in the environment, Japanese companies need to restructure their global management strategies.

The first challenge facing Japanese companies is the complexity of management. Many Japanese companies have grown to the point where overseas employees account for 60% of their total workforce, and they are expanding their frontlines globally in terms of both regions and businesses. As a result, management complexity has increased and profit margins continue to lag behind those of U.S. and European companies.

To overcome these challenges, METI has advocated the importance of Corporate Transformation (CX), which is an effort to flexibly allocate management resources and remain profitable in the global marketplace. Specifically, it requires continuous renewal of business models and processes (BX), digitization (DX), and strengthening of front-line capabilities.

In particular, there is an urgent need to review Japanese-style management methods. Conventional Japanese-style management is based on the assumption of homogeneous Japanese people and is difficult to adapt to overseas subsidiaries. In contrast, to strengthen global competitiveness, it is necessary to combine “high on-site capability” and “strong corporate”; BX (Business Model and Process Continuous Innovation) is achieved through a combination of on-site capability, CX, and DX.

The report provides examples of how 1,800 major manufacturing companies are overcoming management complexity through CX and implementing strong management. This has generated less than 30% of the approximately 100 trillion yen in ordinary income for Japan as a whole. The impact of continuing to earn money overseas through agile allocation of management resources is considered to be extremely significant.

Furthermore, in order to strengthen global competitiveness, it is important to “systematize” corporate functions. Japanese companies need to break away from the traditional management style of leaving management to the field and promote data-driven management throughout the organization. In particular, they need to visualize human resources, strengthen talent management, and develop a global HR system.

Through these efforts, Japanese companies are expected to increase their competitiveness in the global market. METI will continue to support the corporate transformation of Japanese companies to succeed in the global market.

⇒ 詳しくは経済産業省のWEBサイトへ