2024年6月3日、経済産業省特許庁は、スタートアップ支援プログラム「IP Acceleration program for Startups(IPAS)」の成果をまとめた事例集を公開しました。この事例集は、2018年度から2023年度までの6年間にわたり、IPASが行った104社の支援成果を詳細に紹介しています。
英訳はこちら(English translation is here.)
The definitive guide to startup support! IPAS case studies and specific IP strategy development points.
On June 3, 2024, the JPO of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) released a collection of case studies summarizing the results of the IP Acceleration program for Startups (IPAS), a startup support program. This casebook details the results of support provided by IPAS to 104 companies over a six-year period from FY 2018 to FY 2023.
IPAS is a program that dispatches mentoring teams of business and IP experts to startup companies to help them build business models, product strategies, and IP strategies. Through this program, many successful results have been achieved, including companies that have been able to exit the market and companies that have succeeded in raising large amounts of capital.
The case study collection includes an overview of IPAS and the background of its birth, four benefits that companies that have received mentoring have gained, six representative examples of support, a column by an industry expert, and six key points of IP strategy formulation. Through the release of this case study collection, we aim to further strengthen our support by spreading the importance of IP strategy to startups and their supporters.
IPAS has been recognized for its achievements to date and is expanding both domestically and internationally, including being implemented nationwide as a model for local IP acceleration programs. In addition, based on a statement of cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), IPAS know-how is also being deployed to support startups in developing countries.
From FY2024, the operation of IPAS has been transferred from the JPO to the National Institute of Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT), and applications are now accepted on a regular basis, with the number of applications adopted increased from once to twice a year. This has made it easier for startups to apply. In addition, in cooperation with INPIT’s Startup IP Support Desk, consultations regarding IP are also available at any time.
More information about the IPAS case studies and the application process can be found on the official websites of the JPO and INPIT. Startups and supporters are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to make use of the case collection and help build their IP strategies.
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