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  • 令和5年度食料・農業・農村白書発表!物流の2024年問題や食料安全保障を強化











English translation is here.

White Paper on Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas for FY2023 released today (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)

On May 31, 2024, the government released the “White Paper on Food, Agriculture, and Rural Areas for Fiscal 2023. This annual white paper is the government’s report to the Diet, and the theme of this year’s report is “Verification and Review of the Basic Act on Food, Agriculture, and Rural Areas. This Basic Law is the foundation of Japan’s agricultural policy, and now, a quarter of a century after its enactment, it has been reviewed. This white paper describes in detail the background of the review of the Basic Law, changes in circumstances since its enactment, issues for the next 20 years, and new developments in food, agriculture, and rural area policies.

It is hoped that the publication of this white paper will deepen the public’s interest in and understanding of food, agriculture, and rural areas. For example, structural transformation measures and regional planning to strengthen food security, addressing the “2024 logistics problem,” promoting exports of agricultural, forestry, and fishery products, expanding carbon credit initiatives in the agricultural sector, improving productivity through the introduction of smart farming technology, “agricultural welfare partnerships” to solve issues in agriculture and welfare, the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, and the 2024 Tohoku Earthquake. The report also discusses the response to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024.

It also describes in detail how to ensure food security, including the food self-sufficiency ratio and the situation of food supply and demand, measures to ensure smooth food access and rational price formation, deepening the connection between consumers and food and agriculture, and ensuring food safety. In addition, the promotion of the Green Food System Strategy, the promotion of environmental policies, and the shift to a sustainable food industry are also addressed with emphasis toward the establishment of a food system that is in harmony with the environment.

Regarding the sustainable development of agriculture, trends in agricultural output, production trends of major agricultural and livestock products, development and securing of bearers, and protection and utilization of intellectual property are discussed. Regarding the development of rural areas, the report describes trends in the rural population and the promotion of migration and exchange to rural areas, the promotion of agriculture in mountainous areas, and the promotion of measures to prevent damage from birds and animals.

In addition, with regard to disaster recovery/restoration, disaster prevention/mitigation, and national land resilience, the report covers the recovery/restoration from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the damage caused by the natural disasters that occurred in FY2023, as well as the response to these disasters. Based on this, an overview of food, agriculture, and rural area policies for fiscal 2024 is also included.

As you can see, the White Paper covers a wide range of topics and shows the current status and future direction of Japan’s policies for food, agriculture, and rural areas. I hope that this white paper will help the public deepen their understanding of Japan’s food, agriculture, and rural areas.

⇒ 詳しくは農林水産省のWEBサイトへ
