
不動産価格指数 (令和6年2月・令和5年第4四半期分)を公表~不動産価格指数 、住宅は前月比0.6%減少 、商業用は前期比2.1%上昇~(国交省)
英訳はこちら(English translation here)
Real estate price index announced for May 2024! Focus on trends in the housing market, commercial real estate up 2.1% from the previous quarter
On May 31, 2024, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced the latest real estate price index. This index is for residential and commercial real estate, and reflects the trends of the real estate market in each region. The seasonally adjusted value of the housing composite decreased by 0.6% from the previous month, and the seasonally adjusted value of the commercial real estate composite increased by 2.1% from the previous quarter.
First, let’s look at the housing index. The national housing composite index was 137.3, down 0.6% from the previous month. The residential land index was 116.7, which indicates an increase of 1.3% from the previous month. Meanwhile, the index for detached houses was 114.0, down 3.3% from the previous month, and the index for condominiums (condominium ownership) was 198.8, up 0.5% from the previous month.
Next, let’s look at the commercial real estate index. The national commercial real estate composite index increased by 2.1% from the previous quarter to 140.8. The index for stores was 151.1, a decrease of 1.0% compared to the previous quarter, while the index for offices was 171.8, an increase of 4.2% compared to the previous quarter, and the index for condominiums and apartments (single building) was 165.2, an increase of 4.6% compared to the previous quarter.
These indexes are important indicators of real estate market trends. While the index for the housing market as a whole is decreasing, the index for commercial real estate is increasing, which shows that the residential market is temporarily stagnating, but the commercial real estate market continues to show strong movements.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has published these figures as preliminary figures and plans to revise them for three months after the initial publication. Detailed data and additional information can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. If you are interested, please visit it.
With the publication of the latest real estate price index, attention is focused on future trends in the real estate market. This index is an important guide for the real estate industry, investors, and general consumers. In particular, there is growing interest in how the housing market will change and to what extent the demand for commercial real estate will continue.
Because the real estate market has a significant impact on the entire economy, the trend of this index is one indicator of the health of the entire economy. It will be necessary to continue to closely monitor the data released by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and take appropriate measures.
In this way, the announcement of the real estate price index is an important source of information for market participants. We hope that you will use this as a reference when planning future real estate transactions and investment strategies.
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