
英訳はこちら(English translation is here.)
Provides information on up to 10,000 standardized human resources and promotes the use of external human resources with STANDirectory
On June 3, 2024, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) released the Standardization Human Resources Information Directory (STANDirectory). The purpose of this new database is to consolidate information on experts involved in standardization in Japan and to enable companies and organizations to efficiently utilize outside experts.
In June 2023, the Basic Policy Subcommittee of the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee called for the visualization of standardization personnel to enable companies and organizations to utilize external personnel. In response, METI has developed STANDirectory, which aggregates information on experts involved in standardization through this database, making it easy for companies and organizations to search for and identify the human resources they need.
The STANDirectory allows users to search for the right person for their purposes by entering criteria such as industry field, experience in standardization activities (e.g., international negotiations with ISO and IEC), and possession of relevant qualifications. In addition, each personnel’s detail screen lists available assistance and contact information, allowing you to request assistance directly. With the introduction of this database, companies and organizations will be able to efficiently obtain necessary human resource information, which is expected to alleviate the problem of human resource shortages to a certain degree. Furthermore, by utilizing external standardization personnel, the organizational structure can be made more flexible, and the skills of standardization personnel as a whole can be improved and the number of personnel can be increased. This is also expected to expand the options available to companies and organizations.
Professionals involved in standardization will also benefit from STANDirectory. By clearly indicating their skills and experience, they will be more likely to be assigned to appropriate tasks, and they will be more likely to improve their skills and utilize the qualification system. In addition, the visualization of information is expected to add value to one’s skills, improve recognition and evaluation, and diversify career paths.
Currently, STANDirectory focuses on personnel involved in standards development and international negotiations, but in the future it will be possible to search for standardization personnel in other fields as well. We intend to expand the functions of the database and create an environment in which more companies and organizations can utilize outside experts.
METI does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information posted on STANDirectory. We are not responsible to users or their organizations for the usefulness or up-to-dateness of the information, so please exercise caution when using the information.
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