英訳はこちら(English translation is here.)
Protecting the Safety of the Automobile Community! June’s Campaign to Eliminate Tamper Evident Vehicles Strengthens Public Relations and Inspections
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) is promoting various efforts to realize a safe car society during the “Campaign to Eliminate Improperly Converted Vehicles,” which began on June 1, 2024, as a month to strengthen the campaign. This campaign will be implemented in cooperation with related ministries and organizations to prevent traffic accidents and environmental pollution caused by unauthorized modified vehicles. Specifically, the campaign includes educational activities, street inspections, and the collection of information on unauthorized modified vehicles.
First, in order to widely publicize the dangers of unauthorized modified vehicles, posters and flyers will be distributed, and public relations activities using social networking services will be actively conducted. Furthermore, with the cooperation of bus operators nationwide, public information banners will be displayed on the front of bus vehicles to raise awareness among the many people who use public transportation.
Next, street inspections will be conducted in cooperation with police agencies, the National Agency of Automotive Technology and the Japan Mini Vehicle Inspection Association in order to ascertain the actual status of unauthorized modified vehicles and to thoroughly eliminate violating vehicles. During these inspections, maintenance orders are issued to offending vehicles throughout Japan to prevent the use of unauthorized modified vehicles.
Another important initiative is the collection of information on unauthorized modified vehicles. A “Information Desk for Unauthorized Modified Vehicles and Nuisance Black Smoke” has been set up at transportation branch offices to receive reports from the public. Based on the information provided, we will seek to solve the problem by demanding improvements from the users of unauthorized modified vehicles.
Through these efforts, we aim to solve the problem of improperly modified cars from the root, thereby reducing accidents and improving the environment. Although at first glance, unauthorized modification of a vehicle may appear to be a matter of personal freedom, it is in fact a criminal act that entails serious risks. Through this campaign, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) aims to strengthen the elimination of unauthorized vehicle modification and realize a safe and secure car society. All car owners are asked to understand the importance of this campaign and cooperate with it.
The “Campaign to Eliminate Unauthorized Modified Vehicles” is an indispensable initiative for the safety of the car society and the protection of the environment. We will continue to work with related organizations to eliminate unauthorized modified vehicles. We hope that all citizens will cooperate with this campaign by proactively reporting unauthorized modified vehicles when they see them around them.
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